What's A 2021 Bird Calendar Without A Kookaburra?
The sound of a delivery van teases your ears from the street in front of your house. You hear the familiar screech of the driver's door. The door slams and booted footsteps scuffle up your concrete driveway. The gentle slap of a package on the doorstep tweaks your excitement. Could it be there? Is this the day you've been waiting for?
Your excitement grows as you reach your front door. You swing it open, undisturbed by the creaking hinge that's been bothering you for months now. As you step one foot out the door and look down, you see it. The flat rectangular item, lovingly packed in it's brown, recycled envelope summons a child-like squeak from your throat. It's finally here?! Your Barry Callister Photography 2021 Bird Calendar!
You tear the package open and start to flick through the months. As you reach March, your jaw drops. You pause in amazement as you gaze upon this stunning image:

The 2021 Wall Calendar Kookaburra Image
Ok, so maybe I talked that up just a liiiiiittle bit too much! However, I am very happy with this Kookaburra image and that is why I chose it for the March image of my 2021 Bird Calendar.
The day I took this shot, I was actually photographing the Flying Fox colony at Woolgoolga Lake in Woolgoolga, New South Wales, Australia.
Flying Foxes, commonly known as Fruit Bats, are native to Australia. They help regenerate forests and keep ecosystems healthy through pollination and the spreading of seeds. Unfortunately, like a lot of species here in Australia, they are critically endangered. Two of the four species of Flying Foxes we have here have reduced in population by 95%.
A Kookaburra Catches My Eye
A telephone pole stood near where I was standing. Perched on the street light that's attached to the pole was this Kookaburra. It was moving it's fierce gaze over the grassy area by the side of the road, looking for grubs to swoop down and eat.
As I already had more than enough photos of the Flying Foxes, I decided to train my camera on the Kookaburra and wait for it to swoop down. After about 5 or 10 minutes of holding the bird in my viewfinder, it finally took a dive to the grass below.

Kookaburras rarely fail to catch their prey, and this one successfully grabbed this bug from the grass and quickly snapped it up. As I stood there with my camera still trained on it, it flew right past me, back up to a perch on the telephone pole. That's when I took the photo that appears in the March page of my wall calendar for 2021.
My 2021 Wall Calendar
Of course, my hanging calendar for 2021 has more than just this one image in it. There are 12 more Australian bird images with names to brighten your 2021. Now, not all the birds are Australian species but they were all photographed in Australia.
Click here to purchase the calendar.
Thank you for taking the time to read this blog post today. Please come back to my blog soon. Take care of yourself and our Nature.
Suggested Reading
If you enjoyed this post, you may like reading these other calendar image stories too:
Flying Fox information referenced from https://www.animalsaustralia.org/issues/flying-foxes.php